" Self-Realization is the first encounter with Reality ." A simple but true statement. We spend years on this earth, lost and burdened with a load of aspirations and dreams. But for there comes a time in everyone's life when the realization struck like lightning and the entire life turns upside down. We realize that we've been chasing the wrong goals throughout our lives. Most of us spend our entire lifetimes chasing wealth, power, and materialistic joys of life and believing that achieving those goals would fill our lives with happiness. Little do we know that if happiness could be bought every rich man would be happy and poor would not be sleeping at night. However, we all know that is not true. But for the lucky ones who get a taste of this self-realization, a chance of turning around their lives presents itself. I happened to have a similar experience. I was sitting in a restaurant with some of my friends, when suddenly in the middle of the conversation it struc...
Thoughts from a conscious mind!