Whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be able to bring good days for the people of India, will only be known after his stint of 5 years as Prime Minster is finish and the public gets to analyse the effects of his rule. however, a very important aspect requires to be touched upon when we talk about the initial days of his being in power. And this aspect is of India's foreign policy. During the last decade of UPA's rule, the government's focus remained on re-establishing India's relations with USA. I am not able to remember any other country which India engaged as actively as it did USA. And most importantly the UPA government completely ignored our neighbours. The result: India lost its status of first among the equals in the Indian sub-continent. Our relations with Sri Lanka soured owing to the issues of Tamils. We lost the importance in Nepal and Bhutan because of our big brother, arm twisting attitude. And these two countries started getting closer to China. Our...
Thoughts from a conscious mind!