According to Hindu belief system, its scriptures and books associated with it, the time is divided into four Yugas. It started with Satyuga when every one was righteous. It was followed by Tretayuga, the Yuga marked by the presence of Shri Ram and the way of life established by him. Then we entered into the Dwapar Yuga, when Krishna set foot on this earth and gave us a new way of life. And finally came the age or the Yuga in which we all were born i.e. Kali Yuga. The reason I started off with a brief description of Yugas is because if we take out Satyuga, the age where everyone was righteous and Kaliyuga, a time when which is marked by chaos, we are left with two Yugas, Treta and Dwapar. These two yugas were specifically important, because in both these Yugas, world witnessed the emergence of two iconic personalities, whose deeds were so great that they were conferred with the titles of Vishnu Avatars or Incarnations of Vishnu. With their deeds and efforts they established new ways o...
Thoughts from a conscious mind!