It seems that the dream to see a corruption free India would remain a dream, atleast till the time UPA is in the power or we can say till the time this country is being ruled by Gandhi Family. In her latest statement Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has stated that the nation will have to accept the government's draft on Lokpal and there will be no further compromise on the part of the UPA government. She has also described the government's version of Lokpal bill as a path breaking legislation. Keeping the CBI under the administrative control of the government and controlling all the postings and important appointments of CBI clearly reflects the sincerity of UPA in puttT What good a Lokpal body will achieve when the people it wants to investigate are the ones who control the investigation agency. It is a fact that no nation has been able to provide a corruption free society to it's citizens, but India it seems that is hell bent on claiming the title of the most corrupt nation in the worl...
Thoughts from a conscious mind!