With the win in Assam and the results of West Bangal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala giving clear indications that public has more or less lost faith in Congress Party, BJP’s slogan of “Congress Mukt Bharat” is shaping into reality. With every election, the political space of Congress is shrinking and the party which once ruled almost entire India is looking like a regional party. So is it the start of a long period of political insignificance for Congress and if it is so what does it mean for us? Congress has ruled India for more than 50 years since independence and during that period there was almost no challenge to its power in either Centre or States. Immediately after independence, since it was the only political party connected to the Indian public and because of the presence of leaders like Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and many others, public did not even looked at anyone else. However, if we look into the history, we would also see that ...
Thoughts from a conscious mind!